Tuesday, October 4, 2016

ATL website gets an upgrade

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Press from the 2016 Dallas Solo Fest

The 2016 Dallas Solo Fest was pretty successful. Below is an extensive listing of the press coverage. Click and read.

Scarlett Fever [TheaterJones.com | Mark Lowry | June 12, 2016 ]
The Challenges of Festival Producing [YouTube | dribblefunk | June 11, 2016]
Tricky Escape [TheaterJones.com | Janice Franklin | June 11, 2016 ]
Awesome Sauce [TheaterJones.com | Janice Franklin | June 11, 2016 ]
What's Your Type? [TheaterJones.com | Janice Franklin | June 11, 2016 ]
The Hero In Me [TheaterJones.com | Mark Lowry | June 10, 2016 ]
Dallas Solo Fest 2016 Filled With Imagination, Invention and Poignant Performances [Dallas Examiner.com | Christopher Soden | June 8, 2016]
Solo Fest Q&A: Vincent Mraz [TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | June 6, 2016 ]
Solo Fest Q&A: Diana Shortes [TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | June 6, 2016 ]
Solo Fest Q&A: David Mogolov [TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | June 6, 2016 ]
Très Drôle [TheaterJones.com | Jessica Fritsche | June 5, 2016]
Bottle of Truth [TheaterJones.com | Jessica Fritsche | June 4, 2016]
Han Shot First [TheaterJones.com | Jessica Fritsche | June 4, 2016]
Tara Forming [The Dallas Voice | Arnold Wayne Jones | June 3, 2016]
3 Tips for Creating Your Solo Show (and Why You Should) [Backstage.com | Arnold Wayne Jones | June 3, 2016]
Solo Fest Q&A: Ryan Adam Wells [TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | June 1, 2016 ]
Solo Fest Q&A: Maggie Gallant [TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | June 1, 2016 ]
2016 Dallas Solo Fest [TheaterMania | May 30, 2016]
Solo Fest Q&A: Brigham Mosley [ TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | May 30, 2016 ]
Dallas Solo Fest | Margo Jones Theatre Fair Park [DallasObserver | Lucas Buchels]
Solo Fest Q&A: Eileen Tull [ TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | May 30, 2016 ]
Dallas Solo Fest: Super Mortal [GuideLive.com | May 29, 2016 ]
Solo Fest Q&A: Erin Singleton [ TheaterJones.com | Shelby Allison-Hibbs | May 29, 2016 ]
Dallas Solo Fest: The Escape Plan [GuideLive.com | May 28, 2016 ]
2016 Dallas Solo Fest on WhoFish [WhoFish | May 28, 2016]
Dallas Solo Fest: Liberte Egalite Adaptee at the Magnolia Lounge in Fair Park [ GuideLive.com | May 22, 2016 ]
Having Survived the Temple of Doom, Eileen Tull is attempting to Find Her Lost Ark [ Chicago Ambassador | Bob Chiarito | May 19, 2016 ]
Raiding Solo with Eileen Tull [ Go Date Yourself Podcast | May 17, 2016 ]
Q-and-A with Diana Shortes [ TheSoloPerformer.com | May 18, 2016 ]
Little Big Scene Podcast: Let's Talk Solos [ Little Big Scene Podcast | May 16, 2016 ]
Q-and-A with Eileen Tull [ TheSoloPerformer.com |  May 15, 2016 ]
Eileen Tull: Sharing Her Truth Is an Inherently Feminist Act [Clyde Fitch Report | Shawn C. Harris | May 10, 2016 ]
Q-and-A with Vincent Mraz [TheSoloPerformer.com | May 9, 2016 ]
Audacity Theatre Lab presents 2016 Dallas Solo Fest [CultureMapDallas | April 29, 2016 ]
Audacity Theatre Lab Sets Dallas Solo Fest 2016 Lineup [ BroadwayWorld.com | BWW News Desk | April 28, 2016 ]
3rd Annual Dallas Solo Fest Line-up Announced  [ TheaterJones.com | Mark Lowry | April 19, 2016 ]
Bring it, 2016 [TheaterJones.com | TJ Staff | January 10, 2016 ]